gay men

332 days ago

As Pride Month gets into full swing the thing no one in the media dares mention about rocketing syphilis and gonorrhoea cases

The STD numbers are rocketing we discovered yesterday. in 2022 there were 392,453 diagnoses of new STIs among England residents, an increase of 23.8% compared to 2021. Cue howls of anguish from all corners but – as Pride month kicks off there is one matter nobody in trhe media dared to mention.


1006 days ago

Lies, damned lies, rich lesbians, poor gays and statistics

Lesbians earn 7% more than straight women, gay men less than straight men – some academics don’t understand data, just in this case damned lies and statistics. This is all nonsense.


1282 days ago

Why the liberal media are so out of touch - meet Renee Graham

If you call all folks with whom you disagree Nazis or facists, you dilute the evil one associates with real fascists and Nazis, the sort of folks who actually murdered 6 million Jews rather than, say, voting for Brexit or Donald Trump. Now meet Renee Graham who pens columns for the liberal Boston Globe and also appears on taxpayer funded radio in uber-woke Massachusetts.  Renee thinks folks who campaign for Donald Trump are like ISIS Jihadists, you know those chaps who engage in mass rape, chuck gay men off tall buildings and behead their opponents and British aid workers. You think I am kidding?


1407 days ago

Now Mayor Khan starts to erase gay white men from history as he creates a new fake history for Stonewall

As I warned Cambridge don, Dr Gopal, one day you will cease to be seen as a revolutionary and new revolutionaries will come along and devour you like a dinosaur.  Comrade Sadiq Khan, Mayor of Stab City, rather proves my point today as he tweets about the 51st anniversary of the Stonewall Riots in New York. Of course, Mayor Khan is already active in erasing old history, pushing to pull down statues and rename streets. If you can do that, it will be even simpler for this simple man to make up a new history.


2833 days ago

The false maths of the PreP pill - mad gay liberals will kill gay men & the NHS

If men want to have sex with each other I have no problem with it. If they want to get married to each other I support their right to do so. After all why should hetrosexuals be the only ones to suffer. But a High Court ruling yesterday means that you and I and all the other taxpayers are going to be forking out vast amounts to subsidise the lifestyle choices of a vocal, and well supported, minority. And that minority will suffer disastrous health consequences as a result.
